Jack Harrison is close to rejoining Everton on season-long loan from Leeds

by Zach-dalt


  1. What is the one thing more stupid than a relegation **loan** clause?

    A relegation loan clause that remains active until Leeds are promoted (which was also given to Marc Roca)

    Thanks a bunch Victor Orta (who is now doing a similarly dire job at Sevilla)

  2. I thought Leeds fans said these deals weren’t valid for this season? If they’re gonna have to go through all that again (you’d imagine if it’s one, it’s others too?) then yikes Orta what were you thinking

  3. From all the players that got relegation loan clauses in their contracts, Jack Harrison was the one who made less sense. He was already a Leeds player for quite some time, why sign a new deal and put this on the player’s contract? Not only that, you make the clause valid until Leeds is not promoted back to the Premier League.

    Victor Orta bastardo!

  4. I think his pissed up mum put paid to any return, plus Jack and his agent love going out on loan.

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