This is absolutely based stuff from Barca. They are maintaining solidarity to LGBT+ across all platforms as it should be unlike some clubs who are scared to even post about this.

by ranked_devilduke


  1. Creepy_Jackfruit8617 on

    Why are some clubs so scared of supporting LGBT+ Is it because they have a plastic fanbase and glory hunter fans, and they’re afraid of backlash ?

  2. I saw the instagram comments on this post and lost some brain cells. An unbelievable amount of homophobia

  3. Dear_Mine4180 on

    This is one of the best decisions of the management, posting it every year despite hate for Middle East. Just love it

  4. speadiestbeaneater on

    I’m from the Middle East and I don’t care, people being gay or not doesn’t make me lose any sleep, their life not mine

  5. You see, one thing that makes me mad is people that think that Barça is “mes que un club”, and the moment that Barça makes a statement standing for its values, they suddenly hate it

  6. Love that they don’t change their stand despite people crying over other choices!

  7. Ok_Extreme_6512 on

    I wish people who got mad actually followed through and stopped supporting the club, but they won’t they’ll be back next year

  8. Crossflowerss_5304 on

    IG/Twitter fans all up in arms about it, like we aren’t one of the most outspoken left-leaning clubs out there, especially among the big ones. Personally I have my own views but you won’t see me complaining about support for the LGBT+ movement because at the end of the day, I’m not a monster who believes gay people should be put to death or imprisoned. It’s that simple.

  9. I am so happy to be a fan of a club that supports LGBTQ+ đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆđŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆđŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆđŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ

  10. _DuckieFuckie_ on

    I don’t get why clubs should diverge from their values to cater towards certain regional audiences. What two people do is no one’s business except theirs, just because your culture prohibits it doesn’t mean everyone has to partake in your views.

    Good on Barca for standing up for LGBTQ rights. I’m not that informed on the whole movement to consider myself an ally, but standing up for individual rights is the least we can do.

    Always proud to be an Culer!

  11. The-Iraqi-Guy on

    Welp, the only way this concerns me is the bullying i would get from other fans.

    Luckily I don’t interact with other people.

    >!im on reddit ffs!<

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