Norwich forward Abu Kamara has handed in a transfer request

by CMPunk22


  1. My brain always tries to trick me into thinking this is Kei Kamara when I play Norwich on FM, I think WTF is he still doing there before I realise

  2. I think perhaps this is something sensible that we look at in signing.

    But no, our deluded, stupid yank coked up Orta wannabes in charge apparently are looking at fucking Jacob Murphy instead. The one from Newcastle. I can’t stop laughing at how ridiculously absurd and deranged that is.

    Who the fuck do they think they are??

  3. I’ve just handed in my Norwich transfer request in hopes to be new Preston Northend manager the game after Heckingbottom, at Luton towns ground with oxfords car park stand.

  4. Gives the impression of someone who thinks he should be given his place in the starting line up, rather than earning it.

    I’ve not seen anything from him so far to suggest he deserves to be starting games above the alternatives. Disappointing that he doesn’t seem willing to compete for his place.

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