Postecoglou slams Brennan Johnson abusers and names Spurs star with huge growth

by Rare-Ad-2777


  1. Truly_Ineffable on

    All in this together. As long as there is effort and desire being put forth – players deserve our support.

    Anyways, COYS

  2. Thought this was quite interesting 

    >Dom and even Richy, just having a focal point up there, that’s the reason we signed him, is going to make a big difference to us in that area. I think we have at present enough there to overcome the deficiencies we have at the moment through more a lack of fluency and cohesion in that front third. *We just haven’t been able to nail on a formation there that will give us some consistency*

    In 4 games this season we’ve played 4 different front 3s, mainly due to solankes injury. Then also throw in even when he’s fit Dom is new to the team and on top of that you have Kulu learning anew role in the team. Kind of adds uo the attack isn’t looking that fluid. It’s not settled yet and the relationships aren’t there. 

    Kind of figures that our defence is pretty set (and all fit) and thats looked much better. But our attack is new, has been disrupted and isn’t looking particularly coherent 

  3. Ange really is an awesome dude… just really hoping he’s able to turn it around and prove dipshits like me wrong.

  4. Anyone commenting abuse on one of our owns socials needs a serious look in the mirror. Hope he kicks on from here and gets the support he deserves. 15 goal involvements last season and people whine like he’s the enemy. Disappointing to say the least.

  5. I don’t doubt that Johnson is a lovely bloke, but it doesn’t matter how he’s working in training if it’s not showing in games. I can’t remember a single good match he’s played since Brighton at home. We deserve better from £50m signings.

  6. kicksjoysharkness on

    Good. I’ll tell you, coming off twitter has changed everything for me. Life long Spurs fan and the toxicity of spurs twitter started really making me view the team through pure cynicism and anger. It’s a bubble that’s toxic as fuck. Even Reddit now I try and avoid right after a loss (even though I do love this sub).

    Remember that you can support spurs however you like. If you feel happy right now with the project at hand, don’t feel like you’re supporting Spurs wrong or are deluded etc etc etc.

    Big Ange is backing his player, that’s what you want. At the end of the day, it really is just a game of football and young men playing it. Money can’t buy you out of mental health and is Johnson needs to delete his social media it’s a pretty clear sign that he’s getting a level of abuse high enough that it’s affecting his mental well being.

    Twitter isn’t real, Spurs is. Support your team through thick and thin, voice your frustration when necessary, but unless they do something outright terrible on a human level or show without question they truly do not care at all, get behind the boys and be the reason they want to play for us.


  7. Man, I really want it to click with Ange. I stick by my stubborn Gen X prick analysis of him, but I come to that conclusion via direct experience.

    Johnson has a lot of potential. The game is just moving a little too fast for him mentally right now. He has the physical tools so when/if the mental part slows down then I think (hope) he’ll take off.

    Also have to say the kid just has the sweetest face and I don’t know what kind of psycho would be able to abuse him. Puppy kickers I imagine.

  8. >”You’re talking about a young guy who is probably lacking a bit of confidence at the moment. Things haven’t gone his way, but he comes here every day, **he’s working his backside off, he’s asking for feedback, he’s doing everything right, he’s trying so hard to become the player he wants to be, it’s hurting him a lot.”**

  9. Just going to say I can’t remember a single player deleting their account under Conte, Ange needs to be held to account for this abuse the players are suffering also

  10. Ok Ange, keep Johnson starting and see how well we end up in the table by season end. It won’t be pretty

  11. Inner_Feedback6326 on

    at this moment, the least favorite thing about Spurs is the fans. Fans should take responsibility about our part

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