[The Athletic] Minnesota Timberwolves executive VP Sachin Gupta set to join Chelsea

by cdj18862


  1. Gupta oversaw the development and hiring of the analytics department for the Timberwolves, with an interim stint as their front office head. The article doesn’t specify his new role.

  2. I’m surprised, it seems that A LOT of people rate him very highly in the NBA scene, however how applicable is that to football? It seems to be more of a business and financial role so we’ll see what he does.

  3. The year he was hired as the Executive VP of Basketball Ops they had the 2nd worst record in the entire NBA. Basically a sporting director but 2nd in command under the President of Basketball Ops, although he did take over that role for one off-season after they fired the previous one.

    They proceed to draft Anthony Edwards finish 13th, 7th, 8th and 3rd since, making the playoffs the last 3 years and losing in the conf finals this year and have built one of the best rosters in the league. I don’t know how relevant any of this information but now you know lol

  4. Upstairs_Addendum587 on

    Don’t know him real well, but he’s built up his chops working for the serious analytics guys in the NBA. The ones who went all in on it before it became as common as it is. Guys like Morey and Hinkie. Timberwolves went from regular disappointment to western conference finalists this past year, but not sure how important he was to that. Certainly signals that we are wanting to get further into analytics based decision making.

  5. He’s being put in charge of overseeing and analyzing each of Reece James’s current and future injury recoveries. 10 year contract.

  6. G-14_Classified on

    I am a massive Timberwolves fan and can provide context to this move.

    Gupta is honestly a wizard in the best possible way.

    His ability to not only spot talent but give up the proper assets for that talent is second to none. He is also a big numbers guy and has navigated the NBA salary cap with ease on multiple occasions.

    Basically what he’ll bring to Chelsea is an ELITE eye for talent and an ability to keep the team within FFP regulations. And he’s extremely analytical and actually a genius so I don’t anticipate any learning curve.

    As a wolves fan I’m pissed but as a Chelsea fan I’m happy so I guess it balances out

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