1. This analysis boils my piss. On the Pedro card.

    > The officials on the field gave him too much benefit of the doubt, feeling that the actions weren’t really impactful because they felt the Arsenal defenders were too far away to take a throw-in, they were too distanced away from the ball, unlike Veltman who was right there.

    What utter fucking bullshit. As if they are making calls based on that in a split second. If they are using that kind of logic, why wasn’t the logic applied that Veltman was kicking up the pitch to nobody?
    Also wouldn’t this mean if let’s say you were offside and behind the defense, you can just boot the ball away cos ‘no defenders were close enough to quickly take the restart’.

    I just hate how these ‘breakdowns’ come out 2-4 weeks later. It’s basically propaganda, they should at least have to make up shit within an hour or two.

    In the same fucking article he says

    > “Not every touch of the ball after the whistle has to result in a yellow card. You have to look at what the impact of the players and the intentions of the players were. It might be that there’s absolutely no impact at all and therefore we’re not going to show a yellow card.

    So on the Pedro one it’s about intention, the impact of the delay, taking other things into consideration and using discretion. For Rice it’s just ‘touched it mate, can’t do that, red card’.

  2. so easy for him to say that on Joao Pedro, but what about the countless other instances on that very same gameweek that didn’t get carded?

  3. At least Webb admitted the inconsistency instead of hiding around the issue like some of the other clowns in the referee circles.

    Even though they all publicly supported him, I can almost guarantee you someone told Chris Kavanagh behind closed doors: ‘Wtf was that? Apply some common sense next time’.

    Hell, he himself probably regrets it watching back (assuming he’s ‘clean’ and wasn’t sent a brown bag after the game).

  4. And everyone else around the league who kicked the ball away that weekend and this?

    Does the one match ban really fit the crime?

  5. I think we just bully them into not doing yellows for this as a matter of fact, it’s silly and not making a batter game, use judgment and book someone if there’s obvious shit and realize the ref job is about doing judgments and it’s not going to be rulebooked into only binary decisions they can hide behind.

  6. If the referee properly set the precedent we’d know his level of tolerance. In no way did he apply the laws correctly in either situation.

  7. whiteblackgreenblue on

    No need for some corrupt cop body cam audio/video coverup. We know a corrupt organisation when we see one. They think that they can get away with some media campaign.

    No amount of damage control media campaign is so going to save their reputations.

    Keep raising your voices Gooners !

  8. But he wasn’t delaying the restart as the ball was kicked from where the foul took place and was still moving as the Brighton player attempted to play it.

  9. Howard Webb is total corrupt people. Look his history of refereeing.

    Can’t believe this corrupt Webb got head of PGMOL. EPL deserves better. Best league but worst officials ruin the game.

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