KBS Music Bank Production Team issues Official Statement on the Cancellation of the <Music Bank in Madrid> Concert by Real Madrid

by 77SidVid77


  1. Yeah don’t blame them. Not reaching out sounds disrespectful. If you cancel on people you have to tell them, that’s the minimum.

  2. Yes, Real Madrid should have communicated better, but I for one am happy they are being responsible towards the neighbourhood of houses that surrounds the stadium.

    This letter is unnecessary and needlessly pejorative. I believe Real Madrid is looking for alternative venues for its events, which might be why communication is lacking. They believe Madrid should take responsibility for the damage to the Music Bank World Tour’s image, an event running for the last 15 years. Shouldn’t these people also then take responsibility for the damage from this public letter to the image of Real Madrid, an organization with over 100 years of history and magnitudes more fans than this K-Pop tour.

  3. CmdrVamuelSimes on

    The letter is a bit childish and histrionic and as always there’s probably two sides to this, but if the gist of it is true then this was very poorly handled by those responsible at the Bernabeu. Surprisingly and unusually un-savvy for Real Madrid management and makes the club look bad, if this is how it happened. The club needs events revenue, I hope a solution is found for future concerts.

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