Ange Postecoglou’s advice to fed-up Tottenham fans: Do yoga

by marxistopportunist


  1. marxistopportunist on

    > “People are just so quick to judge,” he said. “It’s a small sample. If he had gone 15 games without a goal or 15 games where he hasn’t contributed but I just think take a breath, do a bit of yoga.

    > “Think about the world for a second and make an assessment after that. We don’t have to rush to make judgment all the time.”

    > Did the yoga advice apply to himself? Not literally, it seemed. “No mate, I don’t have the patience for it,” he explained before adding “nothing wrong with yoga, by the way”.

    > But the call for consideration rather than criticism applied to the whole of his squad, not just Solanke. “That is the way we live our lives these days,” he said. “There is far more judgment than real reasoned, opinionated analysis.”

  2. I get what he’s saying. On one hand, expectations and criticism are part of the reality of pro sports, and no one can gatekeep what it means to be a fan. On the other, we have an unprecedented 365-day sports news cycle that gives constant news, insights and rumours, so we have expectations that can sometimes be unrealistic or fueled by this notion that we know more/a lot

  3. This is my feeling. Yes the results aren’t the best. But I actually enjoy the way we play.

    Yes we have no end product. But I still see a team that plays very very fun and attractive football. So I’m happy to ride the wave until it clicks and we start dominating.

    Because I’m certain that if we continue to play the way we are playing it will come and every goober that’s complaining about short term pain will be happy or find something else to whinge about.

  4. Support the club but only when they do well is how a lot of fans operate today. And on top of that the view of doing well is only if you win the 4 available trophies each year, so 99% of clubs fall short.

    It’s why turnover is so high in modern-day football. I doubt we’ll ever see an Alex Ferguson (3 years before he won anything with Manchester United) or Bill ‘Mr. Tottenham’ Nicholson (2 years before he won anything and had 2 separate 5-year drought spells without a trophy) type career path with any of the big clubs again. The fans, and particularly social media, just don’t allow for that type of patience anymore.

  5. Mindless_Mouse_1794 on

    Good things take time. I love all the Tottenham podcasts, but FFS, they rely on rage bait to function and turn a profit. Cynical speculation equals clicks, likes and subscribers. The problem at Spurs is not on the sideline. It is not Ange. He get’s us. He dares to do. Cmon. The problem is the club culture which is often toxic, the players becoming jaded when the mood turns, and a complacency that sets in when the squad know the manager will be sacked eventually so they can become passengers and phone it in. If Levy and co are smart, they’ll ignore the noise, back the manager, release players who do not perform and buy players that Ange believes will fit the mold…and actually BUILD something special! COYS

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