Tidy play by Mazraoui yesterday

by nuugo


  1. He has been such a steal for what was it, like 15m?

    If he can stay fit, and that’s a big if, he will have been an absolute bargain.

    Hopefully once we have one or two lb’s back we can rotate him and dalot on the right, as Mazraoui is apparently injury prone.

  2. For me so far, he’s been the best signing of the summer. Really impressive play and he’s just slotted in perfectly.

  3. Consistent-Bat1632 on

    He’s such a tidy player, rarely ever loses the ball. He’s going to go under the radar a lot because he’s not particularly flashy, but he improves this teams ball retention 100x. His defensive actions are also top notch as well. Massive upgrade on AWB, hopefully he stays fit

  4. easily the best signing of the summer for me so far. he looks so composed, and brings so much confidence to his teammates. pray he stays fit

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