Best passer goes to the legend that is Paul ‘the maestro’ McStay. An exceptional player who really embodies the phrase ‘faithful through and through’.

Now we have best long shot – Let us know your pick and if someone is already mentioned them then please upvote. Bonus points for links to see some beautiful goals!

by GenderAddledSerf


  1. Nakamura free kick against Man United and one of the best keepers ever at Parkhead in the CL. End thread.

  2. Sea-Marzipan1137 on

    Commons. He was world-class at hitting long shots. Otherwise pretty mediocre footballer and, seemingly, a prick.

    Lennon built his team around this single quality.

    Honorable mentions go to Nakamura. Spectacular goals in general but very seldomly from open play and those, in the main, were from short ranges. Except that absolute cracker in the 2-1 game.

  3. PsychologyWeary8136 on

    Best free kick taker = naka…. best long shot Alan Thompson’s left peg…. favourite long shot goal = John hartson vs Liverpool, absolute 🚀

  4. Big Pierre was a dead ball specialist too. But Naka pips him when it comes to goals outside the box.

  5. I used to watch Thomas Gravesen in the warm up taking shots at goal that broke the sound barrier. Never really did it much in game though so I’d have to give it it to Naka for the sublime technique he had on long shots/free kicks .

  6. Nakamura , Thompson had belters …. More recent players who scored some belters for us would be commons , mulgrew and bitton

    It’s between nakamura and commons for me

  7. YourCrosswordPuzzle on

    It’s Nakamura but Lamberts against them was the best of all time. Maybe the most important goal in my lifetime

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