Send this to your Ange doubter mates

by Pamplemousse808


  1. In b4 doomers on here come in with “sTaTs d0nT MaTtEr…”. Every season there are teams that under/over perform (have good bad luck) early on in the season. Ange’s system is producing the football it’s supposed to. We simply need the players to back themselves for the entire match, and our forwards to put the chances away.

  2. No_Celebration_2743 on

    Our average possession should honestly be lower. Teams lose possession all the time, the fact that we have unusually high possession shows that we aren’t taking enough risks.

    Much like the Brentford game we need less possession and need to play those risky balls through the middle

  3. Mateball is good.

    I think even looking at the game at the weekend you could see there is just some synergy improvements to be made in the front line. I refer to players cutting it back sharply and behind Solanke who tends to be deeper in the box.

  4. Pretty impressive. I really like Ange and think he’ll do well for you guys. Just keep sticking behind him. 🙂

  5. Vapes_And_Red_Bull on

    Literally non of this matters if we don’t score and win games, it’s getting ever so slightly better but it’s still our worst start to the season in 10 years…

  6. On the one hand, great, excellent, this is what we want. On the other hand… we’re setting records for “most shots on target without scoring” here. Brentford was an excellent start and I’m glad to see players such as Brennan becoming more clinical but we need to be scoring more than this. 33 shots on target and just 9 goals is a conversion rate of TWENTY-SEVEN percent and frankly that’s unacceptable long-term. I love Ange and his style, but someone needs to teach our players how to score.

    Another point would be that we’re inconsistent. 4 versus Everton, 3 versus Brentford – but none in 15 shots v Arse~~~ and a poor draw with newly-promoted Leicester.

    What we really need is our players to remain calm, focused, and clinical. If they can just approach the game feeling confident, then they’re bound to score more, defend better, and maybe we’ll finally win something

  7. SirGalahadTheChaste on

    Surprised by the shots on target being best in the league. Without looking I would guess the Brentford and Everton games are carrying this stat.

  8. Some real spankers support every club but the doomsday narrative is picked up a bit quicker by Spurs supporters who’ve been in purgatory for so long. Ange can see it, hence the ‘let em dream ‘ and Mancity game speech last season and the ‘small teams worry about one game” / I win in my second season’ speeches this season. Too many Spurs supporters need to be jolted out of their malaise, and dragged kicking and screaming into a more positive mindset

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