How Jackson kill the Westham game and don’t know why people still blame him every game although we just bought him at 40M.

by BotNoSpell


  1. not_gonna_kill_you on

    Yeah those West Ham CBs were shocking. Cool to see it actually visualized and nice recognition from Jackson but he really didn’t do anything special they just defended nonsensically

  2. I don’t know why people can’t praise him for things like this and also criticize when he takes silly shots when there are better options or misses a sitter.

    We humans are capable of nuance, please give it a try sometime.

  3. A player like Jackson can learn how to finish but a striker that’s a fucking lump will never be able to learn how to play like Jackson.

    He’s still young and getting better but anyone that can watch him play and not be seriously excited about what he can become is a lunatic.

    I marvel at some of his touches and turns in tight spaces. Centerback on his back, little touch and he’s off up the pitch.

  4. I don’t think it’s anything against Jackson necessarily. It’s the fact that we haven’t had a proper 9 in a long time. And, he has had a fair number of big chances missed. Although, so has the entire squad. It’s more like season after season we have been so poor in front of the net and it’s been that way for nearly 7 years now. I like the kid. He offers a lot up front and clearly is talented and maybe will get there with enough time and repetition. But, this is Chelsea, we have become accustomed to success and watching the restart of this rebuild year after year has become painful.

  5. Even when he isn’t scoring he is still threatening on the pitch. If he doesn’t score some ppl just assume he wasn’t good. But he is really a good player. When he gets more consistent finishing ppl are going to be praising him weekly.

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