[MundoDeportivo] Paco Roig ex-president of Valencia:”I call Madrid the Real Immigrant. Madrid has eight blacks, two white foreigners and one Spaniard, Carvajal”.”He [Vinicius] may be a great player, which I believe he is, but he is a …shitty person”

by x_ci


  1. The whole interview is wild, I’ll post the translation here.

    > Title: “Vinicius is shit as a person; I call Madrid the ‘Real Immigrant'”
    > Sub-title: “Explosive statements by Paco Roig in an interview on ‘Relevo’ in which nothing is held back: Núñez and Djukic’s penalty, Romario, Luis Aragonés, Florentino Pérez, Rafa Mir, José María García, Tebas…”
    > The one who was president of Valencia from 1994 to 1997 and who is now 85 years old, Paco Roig , gave a very extensive interview to ‘Relevo’ in which he talked about absolutely everything, he did not bite his tongue at any point and left no stone unturned. Vinicius, Núñez and the penalty from Djukic, Romario, Luis Aragonés, Florentino Pérez, Rafa Mir, José María García, Tebas … These are the most notable phrases, almost all of them explosive, that he left in the aforementioned interview.
    > “I got four or five things out of Núñez for Djukic’s penalty”
    > “There were people that I liked very much like Núñez. But things are also said that are not… It happened with that Djukic penalty in Riazor and the League that Barça won. I never sold myself to Núñez. They called me to for Valencia to beat Deportivo and to give a bonus to my players. ‘But if we go eighth! What bonus am I going to give to these?’, I said, the goalkeeper, Sempere, was injured and we put them on. González. And the president called me every day. And I thought, well, since he called me, I told him that if Barça were champions… then Valencia was playing a Gamper and Barça was getting a free Orange Trophy. my brother was starting at Pamesa, so I told him that the Barça basketball team also had to play there. I got four or five things out of him.”
    > Romario and the women
    > “I really liked Romario. He told me to my face, ‘President, I like women, I don’t like alcohol, I don’t like smoking and I don’t like taking drugs; but I like women, just so you know.’ A few years later, when he left, I went on a business trip to Rio with several friends. And one of them said, ‘why don’t we go have a drink at Romario’s club?’ It seemed good. Damn when he saw me… he gave me so many hugs! I even went to his wedding. We were there until 1000. I was dead tired at four in the morning and I said I was going to the hotel and they told me to. Realize, that after so many hours I was going to be very fat… He approached me and told me to pay, nothing at all. ‘How am I going to charge you president?’ Very affectionate. I left, and the next morning I was bragging about what had happened. Until the rest, who stayed longer in the place, told me ‘he didn’t charge you, but he charged us for everything.’ bastard!”.
    > “Luis Aragonés screwed me”
    > “Luis Aragonés for me was the best coach I had, but as a person… I don’t want to rate him. Luis Aragonés screwed me over. With him I was runner-up. I gave him everything he asked of me. I signed Romario because he told me that, since Mijatovic had gone to Madrid, he needed a 15-goal striker. And then my brother-in-law, who was the technical secretary, told me that Luis didn’t want Romario. I took the car and went to Luis’s house, who was living. there near Mestalla, in a shit house, and I tell him, ‘what? I have Romario signed and they told me that you don’t want him. And I want to know if that’s the case. If he’s not going to play, I won’t sign him. ‘Then, because he was very cynical, he told me that that wasn’t the case, that he did want it.’ presentation. Luis goes and says he doesn’t talk. And he didn’t talk. And he was like that for six or seven months because he said that we had done things very badly in the summer.
    > “I don’t like Valdano at all”
    > “I don’t like Valdano at all. Valdano… I threw him. We went to Santander, when there were three substitutions and three foreigners, he messed up and put someone else who shouldn’t have. And they gave us the game for lost. I threw him away. No! Damn! How can you do that?”
    > “Since Núñez is gone, Barça don’t even want a draw”
    > “Villarreal is my second team. Before, my second team was Barcelona. Since I was little, it was first Valencia and then Barça. And Real Madrid, in the fourth or fifth division. But now… I consider myself Spanish and a peaceful man, but when these people have started with the estelada and I don’t know what… What they have to do, but no one does it because they don’t have what it takes, is to take away the Ebro. And when “They arrive in Teruel, they send them back there. To take for granted. All their lives with the same thing. Since Núñez is gone, Barça don’t even want a draw.”
    > “José María García has never fucked in his life”
    > “The thing about José María García was…He came here to Valencia, because I from Valencia know everything and… José María García has never fucked in his life. He stayed at the Astoria Hotel. And a friend of mine, who has already died , he told me: “Do you know what this one does? I sent him two girls and when he picked them up, they always sang, they said ‘he didn’t touch us’. ‘He smoked a cigar, he was with us, he touched us up and down but nothing more. He hasn’t touched us.'” And he bragged about everything and said that he was with two women at the same time. He didn’t even fuck, the little guy. Fucking sucker.”
    > **”I call Madrid the Real immigrant”**
    > **”Before there were no such problems or I did not notice them. Romario was half black and had no problems. The thing is that in Madrid there is this guy, who is… I call Madrid the Real Immigrant. If Madrid has eight blacks, two foreign whites and a Spaniard, Carvajal, and Vinicius comes out here, the other one came to get him out… Does he know what he did? He climbed the Mestalla fence and said ‘you called me a son of a bitch’. I was at Mestalla that day with my grandson and my son. And I said to my grandson, ‘Alfonsito, what are they saying?’ And he replied: ‘They call him stupid.’ But no. And I say to my son Alfonso, 40 years old, the baby’s father, ‘what do they say?’ And the same thing. ‘Stupid’. Well, the guy comes out, stands there and starts to touch himself there and say ‘you guys go to Second’ and they take away the red card, but what is that? They throw us two or three steps, that the fans couldn’t enter in two or three games, and they forgive him. He will be a great player, which I think he is, but he is a… He is a shitty person. I have always been in the referee. South America 20 or 30 times and nothing has ever happened to me. I go to South America with humility and I speak with affection. I cannot go there saying that I am the conqueror. But who are you?
    > “They told me that Madrid touched the referees and that Barcelona bought them gold Longines watches”**
    > “I have always believed that Madrid… They told me in our time that Madrid touched the referees and that Barcelona bought them gold Longines watches and that all the referees knew that, when they said goodbye, the Longines ended. That “That’s what they told me. Is it true or a lie? I don’t know.”
    > “With what Tebas does and says about Valencia, if it’s true, it’s cheeky”

  2. A real immigrant? It’s a huge success for Madrid to be a universal team with fans in every corner of the world, not just a local team with a fanbase the size of the neighborhood this piece of shit lives in. You can’t blame Vini for his recent harsh remarks against this country!

  3. This would be your average 80 something year old Spanish boomer ranting.
    I know so because my grandmother is one and she’s one racist lady under her polite facade.

  4. Glittering-Leather77 on

    This needs a real translation not ChatGPT. Minus the racist comment he’s pretty spot on. Barca and the ref etc

  5. Romero is ok because he’s half black, WTF?
    Does he not know, Endrick, Rodrigo probably has Portuguese or Latin blood somewhere in their family roots and Jude is also half white, who f……. Cares who’s half white, full black, 1% white, 1% black?

    This is a sport where everyone is welcome and always will be, while the World was institutionally racist with Apartheid in South America and the US was just finally waking up to their decades of racial injustice, my Father, a white man would tell me how much he loved watching the Brazilian all conquering side of 1970 and Pele in particular, he never once said that multi coloured or black team, he just said it was the best football team he’s ever seen and brought such joy to the world especially with widespread use of Colour TV to show all those golden yellow shirts strutting their stuff.

    Real Madrid today when they fulfil their undoubted potential have the same potential to bring joy to football fans, not just Madrid fans all over the World, so for the last time La Liga needs to sort this out and have zero tolerance to any form of racism!

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