[Sam J Dean] Arsenal are not morally compelled to play the way that Manchester City want them to play. So often accused of being too soft, #AFC are now accused of being too nasty. It’s laughable. Arteta’s only obligation is to find a way of getting a result.

by LockonKun


  1. Patrick_Hattrick on

    Everyone wants “proper Barclays” until Arsenal defend competently and fight to protect a lead, at which point everyone becomes the softest cunts imaginable.

  2. Lol people accusing us of defending well but giving a team buying the refs a pass. Get fucked, this league is dead and the people shilling are just as culpable

  3. The amount of times I’ve read about our boring football in the second half when we’re with 10 men and away from home to the title holders, as if we’re somehow obligated to play open free flowing entertaining football for our rival fans and haters 😂

  4. SteveToshSnotBerry on

    In today’s episode of “No Shit!”

    Honestly, who gives a shit what other people think? If Arteta had taken the suicidal Ange route, people would just call him naive and other negative shit when we would’ve eventually lost. It’s a no-win situation, and all this is just pure saltiness

  5. They’re just used to Arsenal being a piss take club and rolling over for the 3 points like under Wenger/Emery. When someone that they undervalue actually matches them, they get pissy and start crying.

  6. arealhorrorshow on

    If they wanted us to play more like in the first half, then maybe they should not pay the refs to get our player sent off? Oh, nevermind, then we would have won 1-3.

  7. OdegaardsLeftFoot on

    What I want to know is what exactly did we do that was nasty in the first place? besides that initial hit on Rodri at the beginning when he stepped in front of Kai I don’t recall anything we did that was particularly malicious. Or is parking the bus with 10 men to grind out a win at the Etihad considered nasty now?

  8. Don’t think anyone has criticised us for playing the way we did besides City players and maybe some Liverpool fans who are just trying to get the high ground because apparently Klopp never defended like this.

    Most of the takes from neutrals have been appreciative of what we did in the second half.

  9. We wouldn’t have had to park the bus if we had 11 men 🤷‍♂️

    We were taking the game to them before the red. They’d rather us get battered 6-2 and talk about how noble we were in defeat. But remember when Spurs played a high line with 9 men and Ange got called naive?

  10. Damned if we do, damned do we don’t, so we might as well play the way we want that gets results.

    If it means we embrace a villain arc, then so be it. Good luck, every other team.

  11. MarketingFit2551 on

    They cry when we’re “too soft” they cry when we’re “too nasty”. Sounds like the behaviour of a group of people who are “too soft”

  12. People are more focused on how we played than how city played. Arguably the best team in the league, up a man for more than 45 min, at home, needed a last minute deflected goal to not lose the game.

  13. InediblePringle on

    I hope City hates us and the way we play, I hope the whole league hates us. We shouldn’t care what other teams think of us. I don’t want a rivalry like Liverpool had with City where there was all this nonsense about “mutual respect”. Fuck respect. I hate City so I hope they hate us. It will be all the more satisfying when we finish above those cunts this season

  14. I don’t know. We should definitely comply with whatever Pep wants. Its his PL after all and we shouldn’t be trying to steal it

  15. People who complain about a team defending well are stupid as fuck.

    Why do so many people act like defending isn’t an important aspect of football?

  16. Crippledforlife42 on

    Did people really expect us to play free flowing football with 10 men away at City? Also did they not watch the first half where we definitely didn’t sit back the whole time

  17. I’ll never understand the criticism. As if any other team wouldn’t try and defend that 2-1 lead with their lives while being reduced to 10 men at half away at city

  18. ZebraZealousideal944 on

    It’s funny how nobody is talking about how rubbish City was the entire of the second half with one more player on the pitch… the negative narrative around Arsenal has been carefully pushed by City’s players post-match and the entire press/social media is falling for it… haha

  19. See how the media are trying to paint defending a 2-1 lead with 10 men as anti-football now. Even this guy, ostensibly supporting Arsenal; is actually just saying Arsenal are shit cunts but that’s their right.

    The media just love portraying us as villains and the cheaters as the plucky underdogs. Peoples princesses.

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