Gabriel: “It’s a battle, a war and provocation is normal in football. Now it’s over and we’re waiting for them at our house.”

by slnaing07


  1. Yeah that’s the attitude man. I can’t wait to see them at Emirates. I want our players to tear them up. Towering headers during corners. Crunching tackles when they are in possession. Play like beasts. Demons without shackle is what every player should be. Smash them up left, right and center.

  2. The difference between this interview and Man Citys 20 interviews about Arsenal is astounding:

    One is classy and respectful, the others are just cope and hate.

  3. Gabby our fucking warrior. Thx for setting the example and calling out the horseshit 😎

  4. Wild_Investigator622 on

    This is exactly what I wanna hear from the players leave all the moaning to us 😂

  5. know-it-all-scoutFC on

    I love Arsenal. After the match city were busy whining and moaning and bitching.

    Our team said only what was required and went home ready to work.

    Going into this season, I know which team has the better mentality. Which team is better disciplined, less entitled, and more ready to break their backs for victory.

  6. hashtaghypebeast on

    Listen, the result was shit. However, the silver lining is that this is just going to create even more of a siege mentality and foster more unity/togetherness within the group. We showed that we can beat City 12 v 10 — huge for belief among the fans and players. No whining, onto the next.

  7. Everyone was saying we have to beat them. They can’t beat us!! Not even with 12 men vs 10 for 56 minutes- they can’t beat us!

  8. I love how everyone over at r/soccer is acting like both teams are rattled. 

    Half their damn squad are rattling on about “dark arts” lol. Okay. Both teams. 👍

  9. The contrast between our and their players is truly amazing. We as fans have already won against city

  10. I think we can beat them again at home and hopefully twice more in CL. We looked really really good in the first half 11×11.

  11. Mammoth_Grocery_1982 on

    Been so long since there was a proper bit of fight in an Arsenal team. It has been badly missed. 

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