Premier League clubs send concerns to PGMOL over Arsenal’s use of the ‘dark arts’

by haalandxdebruyne


  1. 10 years of getting hacked to bits under Wenger and no one gave a shit, they told us we were a bunch of soft kids, needed bigger personalities, needed more aggression etc.

    Now Ben White stands in front of a goalkeeper and teams go crying to PGMOL.

    What a fucking joke, how many Arsenal careers were effectively ended on the pitch with zero sympathy?

  2. TheGrouchyGamerYT on

    Hopefully they get the punishment they deserve. I’m thinking like, 15 points deducted just to be safe.

  3. So when other teams do it it’s fine, but when Arsenal does it it is a big no-no? It’s not like we had for example Stoke in the past, if they weren’t shithousing I don’t know what shithousing is.

    On time-wasting: Last season Arsenal was average when it came to how much time they took for dead-ball moments (throw-ins, free kicks, goalkicks, corners). This season is not really a good sample, it’s only 5 games and two of those were with a man down and a 1 goal lead, every team would waste as much time as possible, if you don’t that would just be dumb.

  4. Didn’t opta say that the ball was in play in that second half as much/more than any other game this season?

    Also why does time wasting, which was dealt with via yellow card and added time need further review but yeeting the ball at someone’s head is just fun and games?

  5. Pale-Dragonfruit3577 on

    Everton should be made to pay for this

    And more expense paid trips to ME to the refs for good measure

  6. The fucking gaslighting is off the charts with this shit. People still saying city aren’t buying the league, yeah ok.

  7. Arsenal absolutely rattling the prem. I love this

    You used to laugh and call us soft. Not funny now. Where were you when teams were going out to injure our players. No dark arts concerns then 😂 everyone loved the ‘arsenal just don’t like it up’em’ chat as they went round breaking players legs.

    Let’s have it right though, the ‘dark arts’ chat is completley over the top. It’s all minor stuff that every team does now and again.

    All stemming from clubs trying to force a narrative that Arsenal are a dirty team to get the refs to be harsh with us as they’re struggling to live with us on the pitch. United did the exact same thing in the late 90s early 2000s.

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