Hi guys, I run a Nottingham based mental health charity called The Hike With Mike Foundation. We have a website but most our updates go via Instagram.

I started it after losing my brother and two close mates to suicide. Fast forward 3 years and we’ve now funded over 1000 therapy sessions for those struggling.

One of our followers is an incredibly talented Stone Mason who this evening is carving live on air our beloved clubs badge.

He’s has done similar work for other clubs and these normally sell for around £500. Our one is all marked out and ready to be carved! If anyone is interested in watching this, it will be live from 7pm on his YouTube page with the finished article published on our Instagram page.

There will then we a chance to win this via a raffle we are holding! All proceeds raised go directly to the charity – and to help others. We all work for free and don’t take a penny!

If you’d like to enter simply text ‘hike’ to 70215 or check out our insta page for more details.


by Zestyclose_Story_475

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