Son Heung-min on Bentancur “He apologised straight afterwards. He sent me a long text and you could feel it was coming from his heart. He then saw me at training and he almost cried. He apologised in public and personally as well. We’re all human, we make mistakes, we learn from it.”

by brooklynbullshit


  1. Yeah but let’s not ban enzo too and deduct 10 points from Everton.

    ^^^yes ^^^ben10 ^^^should ^^^be ^^^banned ^^^but ^^^consistency…

  2. Wonderful that he apologized. That combined with a serious punishment should provide a clear path to redemption 

  3. Real problem is that Son isn’t the only one Rodrigo has to apologize to. Doesn’t seem like Rodrigo understands that

  4. ColoradoBrownieMan on

    I’m very glad Lolo has showed serious remorse in private – I’m not sure his public apology gets to that level but I’m not the arbiter of effectiveness of apologies. That said, I still think he should face punishment as the EFL needs to show it takes racism seriously (ha – it doesn’t, except when convenient) and contrition after the fact, while showing growth, doesn’t change the initial wrong.

  5. He probably deserves the suspension even if its a bit harsh but I feel like he needs to be maken an example off. Its annoying but fair

  6. AgitatedChildhood240 on

    It is offensive to all Asians but we also have to keep in mind that Sonny and bentancur are better friends than us and him so he takes the joke les personally than other people would

  7. ActualyNotSureIfDeaf on

    I’m just happy that Son isn’t hurt by Benta’s comments and that the team is still united. That’s what’s important here.

  8. For fans enraged by upcoming fa ban- gold mentioned that lolo will still be able to feature in europa matches- so he wont be outright banned for all spurs matches.

  9. I think the whole situation could have been handled better by the club. Bentancur could have made a video apology, addressed directly to Son and Korean fans (and non-fans). This statement from Sonny could probably have come earlier as well, and may have gone some way to lessening the length of the ban and the anger from the fans.

    That being said, it’s still ridiculous for Chelsea’s Enzo to have gotten off scot-free for what is ostensibly the same crime. That is the biggest frustration of this entire situation. Bentancur absolutely admitted and accepted that what he said was wrong, and Chelsea are being rewarded for brushing it under the carpet and having their powerful friends hush it up.

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