Media: Havertz didn’t complete a single pass on Sunday!1!!1 Meanwhile: ….

by Francis-c92


  1. The0GBenjenRyan on

    It’s pretty funny how stats are just often lies

    Been a couple big statistical discrepancies pointed out over here in the states recently

  2. 23 year old hopped up on Adderall to mark down every stat in a match for Opta surely has a huge anti arsenal bias

  3. Just as missleading and fake as those stats of „never dribbled past“ we heard countless times about vvd even though there were multiple games where he got dribbled past.

  4. musicalunicornfarts on

    The funniest thing about the media is that a bunch of them will complain about statistics “ruining football” and “not showing the whole picture” and then cling onto some dumbass statistic that literally doesn’t show the whole picture of what happened.

    But we’re used to hypocrisy around here, I guess??

  5. Recent-Track-1142 on

    Honestly, who cares. Rivals won’t acknowledge that Havertz is way better here than at Chelsea anyway.

    Let’s stop chasing their validation.

  6. Arturo-Plateado on

    This isn’t a good angle though, watch from the normal broadcast angle and you will see Havertz clearly played the ball off Doku. It doesn’t matter that it fell to Saka, if the ball touches any opposing player on the way through then it is considered an unsuccessful pass by Opta.

  7. That could very well be seen as a tackle than a pass. You have to remember that successful tackle is one where the team keeps possession. And they are ultimately subjective so there will be grey areas like this one where you count that as a pass. When the Opta guy wrote it down as a tackle, he wasn’t thinking “I’m going to make Havertz look bad” he just logged it as he saw it.

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