Cole was one of my first favorite players supporting west ham. I’ve worked in sports a few years out of my career and Carlton was by far the kindest, most genuine athlete I’ve gotten to meet. He stayed for hours, had drinks and chatted shit and was great the two days later at the event. Here in the states we never get events like this and being a supporter for the better part of 20 years this was really damn cool.

Circa 2004 or so you had to pay extra to get Fox soccer channel (begging your parents) to get 2/3 games a week and random docs and Dream Team (which I hate you can’t see anywhere but grainy YT).

Either way, some of the best days of my life have been following West Ham. It drove me to live in England and work in football. Without finding this club I wouldn’t have gotten one of my degrees, I wouldn’t have met friends in football that put me on the path to have the career I have now.

I also wouldn’t be fuckin about wasting time on this either 😂 so swings and roundabouts.

by Cmoore4099

1 Comment

  1. Having issues editing, but also wanna say I met some of my best friends through this club. I’ve been apart of the earliest form of supporters club in Philly. Was apart of the NY Hammers. And now been with the Chicago guys for 10 years. I love these people and they have been amazing.

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