The Guardian’s Jonathan Liew – “Non-Arsenal fans are genuinely terrified that they’re gonna win the title. They’re emotionally pre-empting it. None of this (criticism) would be happening if people weren’t scared of them.” Begins at 17:15

by asamshah


  1. It was the same with Liverpool (Gerrard slip memes etc.) A lot of Arsenal fans did the same, it’s just how fandom works in the PL unfortunately. People shouldn’t take it personally

  2. conteledemontepizdo on

    boys I will tell you after 11 years of supporting this club IT’S SO FUCKING NICE to be feared and hated

  3. Honestly I was the same with Liverpool…I wanted city to win because I loved the fact that Liverpool hadn’t won the premier league and I refused to give them the flowers that they truly deserved. People still do it now and call it the “Covid league” when they had really won it before football stopped. So I understand it and now we as fans have to deal with journalists doing such as it gets clicks. It angered me before but now I’m enjoying it! We’ve sat through the dross and shit and supported through those times…time to enjoy the up

  4. From a neutrals perspective, City winning everything is the desired option because it feels so empty. Just another meaningless trophy to add to their meaningless cabinet.

  5. I’ve supported Arsenal for 20ish years now, and this budding City rivalry is genuinely the same feeling I’ve felt since the United rivalry in the early 00s.

    The media landscape was different back then but man when you’re at the top, people want to claw you back down.

    Relish this feeling boys, it doesn’t come often.

  6. There’s that saying supposedly for kings; would you rather be liked or feared?

    Well, we’ve gone from mocked to feared. 

    I’ll take fear. 

  7. It’s because Man City are irrelevant, they’re not respected.

    People were happy to see the underdog win when Manchester United were dominating. There was a begrudging respect for United.

    People wanted to see United taken down. City winning may as well be nobody winning. It’s empty and meaningless. Nobody cares.

    “At least nobody else won it” is the new “At least United didn’t win it”.

  8. ReferencePlus404 on

    I do think there is a bit more to it, being an old fart now I can remember being despised under Graham, and the beginning and end of Arsene’s reign being mocked; This all started the moment things started to turn round and the team started to gel and perform, everybodys celebrating too much, fans and players are acting like they won the league etc etc.

    I do think Liew is spot on with the comment, for the first time in many years Arsenal are feared again, I have never seen a team as rattled as city were after weekends game, the bitching and moaning from the city players was hilarious.

    But, the only way to shut all these pricks in the media up is to win the league

  9. ignoranceNconfidence on

    Kinda don’t agree, it seems like it’s the media that is pushing the criticism, the majority of other fans that i have talked to irl or comments i have read online seem like they agree with us.

  10. From time Roys mentioning Ty from Aftv on big big Sky all of Their heads are GONE 🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s like when Tom has steam coming out his ears when he’s mad

  11. Would be nice if the fanbase can internalise this and not start bawling anytime someone tries to wind us up

  12. henry_schilling on

    I think much of it boils down to the English mediascape. I’ve been growing up watching Swedish broadcasts of PL with the odd MOTD every now and then. Lately I’ve been watching the English broadcasts and I’m stunned with the shallow analysis. It is to be expected when you employ agitators and not experts. In Sweden, we normally have one expert and one previous player, and the conversation is reasonable and often to the point. They don’t produce headlines and are not there to do so. They are there to analyse football, which doesn’t seem to be the case in England.

  13. Forsaken-Tiger-9475 on

    I’m not sure fear/afraid is the right word – it’s not like Arsenal are an unsuccessful club and have never won anything – but people boy do hate us, and Arteta.

    The hate at Arteta is because it’s clear he’s levels above a lot of established managers, and it’s only his first job.

    The hate of Arsenal goes way back.

  14. I feel this comment which seems to have struck a nerve with the presenter, see his“Hmmm okay!?” Does he openly support any team?

  15. Ofcourse they do, it’s easy to support City to win the title because it feels like it means nothing. Most people don’t know any City fans because they rarely exist so the bragging from their minutus fanbase is easy to deal with, it’s the reason most people wanted them to win the title over Liverpool but even they didn’t get the level of criticism we get, fuck em.

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