Hello darkness my old friend…

by ajtct98


  1. Ajax_Trees_Again on

    Glad we decided to use him against Fulham instead of resting him. Good to see the lessons learned from last season in action

  2. I’m not worried, as this sub told me all summer we didn’t shift Wilson because it would be impossible to replace his goal output for the price we’d get for him, so he’ll slot in absolutely fine on Saturday….right?

  3. The bubble has well and truly burst. Having rich owners sounded great but really hasn’t panned out well. If we cannot secure new players, Eddie will be gone by the end of the season.

  4. NorthWishbone7543 on

    We all knew this would happen didn’t we? I mean we saw it a mile off didn’t we? I can’t be the only one who could see we needed a competent centre forward for cover and to compete with Isak.

  5. Front_Refrigerator40 on

    We’re like the French Foreign Legion – famous for our battling defeats 😡

    It’ll be same as normal against City – defend deep praying for a lucky punt up the field to Gordon/ Barnes

    12:30 Saturday morning, what a way to start the weekend

  6. Isak has been bottling 50/50s all season used to only do it away from home so he’s clearly not right

    Should’ve shipped Wilson out fuck even a traffic cone would be more use than him

    Against City we need someone who can hold the ball up and actually keep the ball for more than 2 touches but also have pace

    I’d give Osula a run it’s a free hit close defenders down and try stay onside when we inevitably hoof it up to you young lad

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