This guy is on a roll

by gilgaconmesh1


  1. Stopped clocks, and all that.

    To say – man’s job is to build engagement. My inner cynic is that this is just a pander for clicks.

  2. Goldbridge is usually alright when he’s not talking about United. Second, those glasses go on he is so obnoxious.

    I feel he’s sorted of looked at it like we are the least bad of the three options to win the league. If Liverpool do it, then they match United’s league title numbers, City are City. And Arsenal? It’s not great from his perspective, but we’re not an offensive club.

  3. Massive respect. I found him hugely annoying at first, but during the past year he’s only talked sense about the general state of Premier League.

  4. FrancescoLogsdon on

    I have to agree with Goldbridge, because back in the day when we used to get battered and bullied especially away, teams like Stoke and West brom were labeled gritty and generally applauded. But suddenly we are the bad guys

  5. This is exactly the thing I’m worried about, because of all this narrative around cheating, time wasting etc. whether consciously or unconsciously, it will impact the refereeing of our games.

    There’s a reason why people on a jury can’t read the news of a big case and it’s so they still keep an unbiased fair opinion. It really just seems we have a massive mountain to climb in any game and will never get the rub of the green for decisions because of this random narrative and media manipulation.

  6. He said after the game on Sunday that Arteta should call Greater Manchester Police to report a robbery

    He does come out with some gems and I don’t always agree with his views but he’s got it bang on about PGMOL the last year or so

  7. International_Bag208 on

    As much as I love watching his streams when United get absolutely battered I really appreciate the guy for his reasoning. Not just because of his comments towards us but towards other clubs as well. Seems like a genuinely level headed nice guy

  8. Mark can be delusional at times when it comes to his own club (who isn’t?), but he is actually one of the better and more rational ones when it comes to any other club

  9. For Citi to try and call anybody cheats is a bit fucking rich, for starters. And the usual pundits have not helped themselves because now they look like they’re literally scrambling to board the Arsenal hate bandwagon and have gone full pro-City because it helps them get relevant.

    Nobody I’ve heard has once questioned why City couldn’t score for 55 minutes against a 10 man Arsenal. It’s always a case of flipping the script and finding a narrative that suits their absolute hatred for Arsenal doing anything other than losing.

  10. FancyRazzmatazz2042 on

    Goldbridge has a very good understanding of the Premier League, its current state and the whereabouts. You can tell he’s the watched PL for a long time and he can spot some silly patterns.

    Kicking down arsenal while 115 are going for a 5th title is hella strange. Does it mean they don’t care about FC 115 or does Arsenal winning a title create some awkwardness?

  11. He’s the most savvy YouTuber/social media pundit around. He will just zag whatever Sky are zigging. In a world filled with reactionary merchants, he’s found the space to be the “voice of reason”.

  12. They want Man City to win another one because it’s meaningless, they’re terrified of us winning it because it makes their terrible predictions since Arteta came in look silly, and they have to face more of us in the real world. It’s as simple as that!

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