Insane stat I saw on IG

by MoiNoni


  1. Jackson and Palmer have a legitimately excellent relationship on the pitch. Jackson creates so much space and is starting to make better decisions. And, Palmer has everything. His free kick against Brighton in the type of skill that creates longevity no matter what opponents throw at him. Exciting!

  2. One of my favorite things over the course of the end of last season and so far into this season is how much this “project” is proving everyone wrong. It was a rocky start for sure but going into every game these days knowing we’re almost guaranteed to put two away per game is so much fun.

    We’re top 4 material this season but we sort out the GK situation and put someone decent next to Levi and I don’t see why we don’t have a squad competing for the next 5 years consistently. Even more excitingly, they’re supposed to only get better from here on out given how young the team is.

  3. omnipotentmonkey on

    I hope to never see a season as dark as 22-23 ever again…

    I will always love Gallagher for saving us from going an entire month without scoring….

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