1. Wide_Thought7589 on

    While I am very interested in the opinions of fans of rival teams, I am by far the most interested in how you guys feel about these investments into you club.

    If the mods feel like this is off-topic, feel free to delete it, but I don’t think this survey would give a fair and unbiased overview without those whose favourite clubs are most affected

  2. I answered
    Just wanted to point out something that might break your stats a bit:

    For PSG, there is a question « do you know of formers supporters that stopped supporting the club when Qatar came? »

    Something worth to note about PSG history is that lots of historical supporters stopped going to the stadium with the Plan Leproux (basically banning all supporter clubs from the stadium) that happened just before Qatar came over.
    I feel like lots of people might answer yes thinking about those, but imo the real answer is no, since that’s not the takeover that made the leave. This question might not be accurate tbh

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