Inverness released a statement about how screwed they are confirming the need for 200k in 2 weeks

by Hisingdoon


  1. If they pull through the entire stadium should probably be named after Alan Savage, from reading that.

  2. i_pewpewpew_you on

    Holy moly:

    * £200k needed by the 16th of October to avoid admin;
    * £1.4m to £1.6m needed to get to the end of the season (assuming they finish at least second);
    * Yer man Alan Savage has already sunk £350k into the club to keep them going.

    Jeezy peeps min.

    Edit: something I didn’t even think of, even if they scrabble together the £200k in the next fortnight, a bad December weather-wise and a handfull of postponements could legitimately end them.

  3. Just goes to show how desperately needed that £3m of cash from James Anderson was a couple of years ago. He deserves way more recognition for effectively saving a bunch of clubs and keeping junior and reserve squad players in wages. Inverness just a bit too broken it seems.

  4. ChrisBrownsKD_Ratio on

    This is a message for Roy McGregor, if you’re not Roy McGregor please scroll on. Hi Roy, remember that time I called you a bible bashing nonce? Yeah well, I didn’t mean it and I’m sorry. Now that we’re friends again, do you fancy investing some spare cash into your friendly neighbours? £1.8 million is pocket change to such a wealthy, successful, sexually attractive man such as yourself. Anyway, let me know if the offer interests you, thanks. X

  5. There’s just shy of 80k of us, if we all chipped in £20, we could collectively own Inverness.

    Imagine Neil Lennon and Duncan Ferguson as co-managers. Netflix in to film the drama of it.

  6. Those numbers are shocking

    1.2 million loss last season same expected this season

    3.4 million owed to previous owner

    600k to people such as HMRC

    If they don’t raise that 200k the money they did raise ends up in administators pocket.

  7. Makes for grim reading, potentially crowd fund your way through October but then the unpredictable winter months could condemn the club.

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